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Central Florida Will Lawyer

AI Wrote My Will… And Now My Family Is in Chaos: A Central Florida Will Lawyer’s Cautionary Tale

Picture it: You’re scrolling through social media when an ad pops up. “AI Can Write Your Will in Minutes!” it proclaims. You think, “Perfect! If AI can pass the bar exam, surely it can handle my simple will, right?”

Not so fast, my tech-savvy friend.

As a Central Florida will lawyer with over 20 years of experience, I have seen my share of DIY disasters, but AI-generated legal documents are taking things to a whole new level of chaos. Below I explain why entrusting your legacy to AI might be the plot twist your family does NOT need.

The AI Illusion: What You See Isn’t What You Get

No question that AI has made impressive strides. But passing the bar exam does not automatically make someone a good lawyer, let alone a specialist in the nuanced field of estate planning.

If you use AI to write your will, it asks a few questions and spits out an official-looking document. You sign it, file it away, and pat yourself on the back. Fast forward a few years, and suddenly, your family is embroiled in an expensive, lengthy legal battle over your estate. What went wrong?

The Devil is in the Details (And AI Might Miss Them)

Creating a valid, comprehensive will involves much more than just filling in blanks. This is just a sampling of  what AI might miss:

  1. State-Specific Laws: Estate laws vary significantly from state to state. AI may not be up-to-date on the specific requirements in Florida.
  2. Complex Family Dynamics: AI does not sit across the table from you, sensing your hesitation when you talk about your estranged sibling or understanding the nuances of your blended family.  Family relationships are complex and oftentimes messy.
  3. Asset Complexities: Do you own a business? Have overseas investments? AI might not ask the right questions to ensure all your assets are properly protected.
  4. Tax Implications: A well-crafted will considers potential tax consequences for your beneficiaries. AI might not have the latest tax law updates or understand how to structure your will for optimal tax savings.

The Human Touch: What Attorney Bullard Brings to the Table

Here’s what Attorney Bullard (a human lol) offers that AI simply cannot:

  • Personalized Advice: She takes the time to understand your unique situation, family dynamics, and wishes.  The result is tailored solutions for your individual needs.
  • Foresight: Years of experience allow her to anticipate potential issues and plan accordingly, providing practical solutions that prioritize results.
  • Emotional Intelligence: She can read between the lines, and adapt your plan to take into consideration all of your family dynamics.
  • Ongoing Support: Laws change, life circumstances change. Attorney Bullard is here to help you update your will as needed, serving as your trusted legal partner in Central Florida.

Your Legacy Deserves More Than an Algorithm

Creating a will isn’t just about distributing assets. It is about leaving a legacy, expressing your wishes, and providing for your loved ones. IT IS PEACE OF MIND. It is far too important to leave to  AI that does not understand the complexities of your life or the nuances of the law.

Why risk your family’s future on an AI experiment? Instead, consider working with Attorney Bullard, who can provide the personalized attention and expertise your legacy deserves. At Bullard Law, we’re deeply rooted in the Central Florida community, understanding the unique needs of local families and businesses.

Ready to create a will that truly reflects your wishes and protects your loved ones? Contact Bullard Law at 407-648-9530 or email us at Let’s work together to craft a will that stands the test of time – no AI required.